Mobile App EULA

This document was written in English (UK). To the extent any translated version of this document conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.

Statement of Purpose: SpicyMatch (the Club) is a private club providing a service for adults who wish to communicate online with other adults, to develop a network of friends and acquaintances for social reasons only.


- You must be over 18 to enter or 21 were applicable by law.

- You must read and accept the terms and conditions herein contained, because they apply every time you use this app.

- SpicyMatch is not responsible for any content that you post or write while using this app. You alone are responsible for every content posted or written in this application.

- You must use this app in accordance with the laws in force in the country you are in.

- You must not mislead or harass other users. You cannot use this app to sell goods or services, or distribute any promotional materials without the express permission of SpicyMatch.

Code of conduct

Members must at all times conduct their membership activities in the spirit for which this Club has been created. Members will not harass, abuse or insult other members and will not use offensive or obscene words, names or phrases in any of their online communications.

This shall also be meant to prohibit the forwarding of any obscene or offensive materials, or the use of this Club for the transmission of any advertising or other materials for commercial purposes. Members agree to respect the views of all members at all times, and to demonstrate helpfulness and show understanding for the wishes and safety of all members.

Zero SPAM tolerance policy

Any unsolicited commercial or promotional messages sent to other members are considered SPAM and will result in immediate account termination. Prohibited activities includes promoting another website (of any type), another club or posting or publishing a party invitation to other than specific members. It is our intention and desire to protect our members from all manner and types of spam.

Terms and Conditions

- The information utilized by the Club is provided solely by the Member, without independent verification by SpicyMatch. For that reason, all members acknowledge and agree that the information they provide shall be honest and accurate as to his or her personal details. Each member acknowledges and agrees that any information he or she submits to SpicyMatch for publication can be used, unconditionally, by SpicyMatch.

- Members acknowledge and consent to the random monitoring of members transmissions by SpicyMatch, to attempt to ensure compliance by the members with the Code of Conduct. This shall not be meant to be a guaranty by SpicyMatch, as monitoring all transmissions would not be feasible or practical.

- It is understood and acknowledged that SpicyMatch shall not be responsible or liable for temporary or intermittent problems or interruptions of the service provided by SpicyMatch, whether due to problems with own server or software, or whether due to a members hardware or software capabilities.

- Members acknowledge and agree that they will be solely responsible for their actions and for their own safety, and that they will take all necessary care and due diligence before divulging any private (non-published) information to other parties, or making private arrangements with any other members.

- If you, as a Member, have been offended by the acts or behavior of another Member who has violated the SpicyMatch Code of Conduct or any of the terms and conditions of this Membership Agreement, it is your responsibility to report such behavior to SpicyMatch management. Upon receiving such notification, SpicyMatch will monitor the mail of all of the parties involved. If offensive behavior continues, membership of the offending member(s) will be terminated, at the sole discretion of SpicyMatch. Further, if any monitored mails contain language involving threats, or any other violations of law, such mails will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

- Members acknowledge and agree that all content produced by this Club or its members become the tangible and intellectual property of SpicyMatch and is copyrighted accordingly. Any content produced by this Club may be used by SpicyMatch for any business purpose whatsoever.

- This agreement is governed by the laws of Cyprus. Parties acknowledge and agree that Cyprus courts have jurisdiction over this agreement and SpicyMatch, that Nicosia is an appropriate place for venue of any litigation, and that all litigation, to the extent possible, shall be in Nicosia.

- No civil action concerning any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be instituted before any court and all such disputes shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration by a three man panel. Each party shall select one arbitrator, who will in turn select a third arbitrator. All costs and expenses of the arbitration, including actual attorney's fees, shall be allocated among the parties according to the arbitrators' discretion. The arbitrators' award resulting from such arbitration may be confirmed and entered as a final judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction and enforced accordingly. Further, the parties hereto expressly agree that proceeding to arbitration and obtaining an award thereunder shall be a condition precedent to the bringing or maintaining of any action in any court with respect to any dispute arising under this Agreement, except for the institution of a civil action to maintain the status quo during the pendency of any arbitration proceeding.

- In our efforts to keep our network a place where members feel comfort in joining registered sex offenders are prohibited from using our app. Once we determine a user's status as a sex offender, we immediately remove the account and all information in it. If you encounter an account that may belong to a convicted sex offender, please report it and we will review the information.

Online dispute resolution for consumer disputes

Consumers resident in Europe should be aware that the European Commission has launched an online platform which acts as an instrument of alternative resolution for disputes. Such an instrument can be used by European Consumers to resolve controversies and disputes relating to or deriving from online contracts of goods and services. Therefore, if you are a European Consumer, you can use this platform to seek resolution of any disputes borne through online contracts with the proprietor. The platform can be found on the following link:


This Club cannot be held responsible for any actions or statements of any of its members, nor any actions resulting from the illegal or irresponsible actions of any of its members or for any actions by any third party resulting from membership to this Club. The service provided is on 'as seen' basis and because of the immense variety of selection and matching criteria does not offer any guarantees that suitable matches will be found. This club will endeavor to provide a level of service as indicated in all this Club published materials. This Club agrees to the best of its ability to keep private any information submitted by members which is not for public display but, however, cannot be held responsible for any illegal actions by any third party which breaches this agreement.