How to have great Photos for Your Swinger Profile

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SpicyMatch UK
Wed, Feb 28, 2024

So, you've heard the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words," right? Well, in the world of online dating profiles, this saying couldn't be more spot-on. Especially when you're scrolling through countless profiles on those swinger dating sites. When we're out there looking for playmates, the first thing we all do is check out the pics attached to the profile. And we can say from experience, they're not always great.

Nailing the perfect pic for your swinger dating profile is an art form. You've got to find that sweet spot between being artsy and just plain weird, between being boring and over-the-top, and between being sexy and crossing into vulgar territory. If you're scratching your head over which pic to use as your public or default pic(s), here are some key tips to consider:

Simple is better
One big mistake lots of couples make is going overboard with their public pics. When I stumble upon a profile with like 25 default pics plus a bunch of private albums, a few things come to mind: either they're super self-absorbed, trying way too hard to sell themselves, or just desperate. Showing off all your best pics upfront takes away the mystery. It's like playing all your best cards before the game even starts.
Keep it simple, folks! Aim for about 3–4 public profile pics. Throw in one of the two of you together, a sexy one, and one of each partner solo. This gives potential playmates a glimpse of both of you, shows you're up for a good time, and doesn't come off as too eager. Nothing bugs people more than profiles with only pics of one partner. So, make sure both of you are in there!

Classy is super attractive
Ever cruised through those lifestyle dating sites and been bombarded with close-up shots of pussies, asses or cocks? Yeah, it can get overwhelming real quick. Look, we love some good assets as much as the next person, but when the camera's zoomed in so tight that I can't see the person attached to 'em,and becomes too anatomical then you may find that people can lose interest fast. Sexy, somewhat erotic pics are great, but if that's gonna be your #1 profile pic, at least show the whole body.
Save the super pervy pics for the private albums. Sometimes, it's best to leave a little something to the imagination.

Keep some photos private
Now, some couples have no problem showing their faces on their profile, no filter, no covering up. And hey, that's cool if that's your vibe. But from what I've seen, it can backfire. Most swingers have to keep their extracurricular activities on the down-low due to the lingering stigma. Plus, many swinger sites allow free memberships, so you never know who's lurking behind those profiles.

Update your photos
Ever come across a profile where they list their ages as "40 and 45,” but when you click on the pics, they look more like 28 and 30? Yeah, big red flag. Either they're not updating their pics or they're using ones from two decades ago. 
Don't be part of the problem, alright? Keep your pics and ages updated. And update any stats too. Gained 10 kilos recently? Own it! It's important! Eventually, you'll have to meet in person, and if you don't look like your pics, you're gonna come off as a liar and a fraud. And trust me, word gets around in the swinging community. You don't wanna be labeled as any of those things!

Look, when it comes to dating, what people see is what catches their eye first. Sure, what's in your profile matters too, but let's be real, there's gotta be some attraction to kick things off. And when you're dealing with four people instead of just two, having good profile pics is even more crucial!
Use your pics to show off your best selves. Give other couples a taste of who you are as a swinging duo, and hopefully, they'll come back for more.